Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog #3 3/15/13

Body fat percentage: 10.2%
Weight: 145.2 lb

My sleep has not changed much since last week, except for the fact that I have been dreaming less. I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night except to change my position. My hydration hasn't changed much since last week either. But I did change the kind of orange juice I drink in the morning to a healthier kind. Besides orange juice I have just been drinking water. As much as I can and even at work I drink half a glass every time I pass my glass. My nutrition has improved as well. I've been eating protein and carbs always together an have avoided sugar. Every now and then I feel as though I deserve and have earned a treat. Last night I had a cookie from my work. And yesterday was also Pi day at school and I couldn't help but have a slice. I continue to eat hard boiled eggs everyday when I get home from school as well. I've noticed my arms get bigger and also my abs. I feel straighter, taller and all-around better when I walk. I feel so light and focused on my surroundings. My academic work has also gotten better. Sometimes during 4th block I'm fighting to stay awake, but now I'm totally focused. I feel smarter and my vocabulary is continually growing. I always look forward to workouts even if I'd rather play a game. I am always looking for that opportunity to improve and push myself. The only time I don't think about workouts is probably right after they happen. In the pictures I have been taking I am noticing positive changes and I wish I could fast-forward to the end result to see my full change.

1 comment:

  1. One day at a time, one workout at a time. You will get out of the class what you put into the class and up to this point you have been doing a great job demonstrating work ethic. Enjoy your weekend.


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