Body fat percentage: 13.3%
Weight: 147.8 lb
My sleeping has improved since last week. I am sleeping harder and I am also dreaming more. My drinking habits haven't really changed at all, I am still only drinking water throughout the day. However, I have been eating a lot healthier. I've cut out all snacks and all sugary foods. I've been eating lots of eggs in the morning and I've started my own bowl of hard-boiled eggs to eat before I go to work. I have noticed a lot of change in my core. It has become more defined. I have noticed mental changes as well. I'm not as sleepy during my classes anymore and I've been more involved in my school work. I always look forward to the next workout and the chance to get closer with the class. The class is perfect size, just big enough for everyone to know each other. There is always a positive vibe wherever and whatever we are doing. For the past week I also noticed that I've been talking more intelligently. My vocabulary has become bigger and it is very useful. If this is only week 2 I can't imagine how I'm gonna feel when this class is over.
Great write up Austin! Have a great weekend.