Friday, May 10, 2013

Post #11 5/10/13

Weight: 151.4lb
Body fat: 13.6%

My sleep this week was great. Minus getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I had at least one good dream every night this week. I have stayed hydrated all this week on just water and orange juice as usual. And I feel like my good eating habits have been slightly dropping lately, but I hope its just a phase and that it ends soon. I used to pack trail mix in my lunches and now I substitute the granola for a healthier granola. I've been substituting a lot of foods lately for healthier alternatives. On Tuesday we did the Surrender workout and on Monday my friend told me that it was the hardest yet. So, on Tuesday I walked in telling myself that I was gonna push myself to new limits. I really impressed myself when I completed 29 rounds. I need to thank Dave for keeping me motivated. But I was ridiculously sore Wednesday night and Thursday wasn't much better. Today I'm still a little sore, but I'm sure I will be 100% recovered tomorrow. 

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